Archive for the 'General' Category

School Ended, So What Now?

Well I finally complete school and have been officially unemployed for like the past few months. To be honest, I like it. Chill everyday and just wasting my time being unproductive. My mind need to be blank and shut off for a bit. I was stressed in my school major. Many may ask ” dude you serious? Stress out in an art major? isn’t that like suppose to be easy or something?” Well technically yes it was easy. But I feel like because it was easy, I have given myself a lot of pressure on doing good or trying to be perfect. So constantly beating myself in my mind trying to stay in the academic criteria, I think I have lost maybe 90% of my inspire enthusiastic self. I am angry at myself for not able to find my old inspiration. I am genuinely scared when this happens because art is my bread and butter. I don’t do this I will starve to death. I really miss who I was, always well inspired and not afraid to try. (those who knows me before will know.) I dunno if it’s me getting older or if I become more worry about how people think about my stuff. Maybe it’s time to slowly let go of my past and embrace the future? Sigh…I don’t know. Ghey….

Well I did got a 20pg sketchbook a few days ago from Daiso Japan. I drew some stuff in it.

For people who don’t know, I went to Kinokuniya Bookstore so I can draw stuff with their test pens on their test paper : D

A New Start ?

Well hello everyone, I don’t know how many people will actually read this. But this is a nice place to motivate myself to create something nice. I erased all my old post and left them in the achieves above. I have been lazy to post stuff in blogs since Facebook is much easier, but then I figure maybe I could use a blog so I can share my own thoughts and pictures I drew. Just like the old times where Xanga was still the popular thing to do. Let’s hope I do this blog thing for more then a week -_-||| I swear I am so lazy now that I am scare of myself. Anyways I have to sleep now ZzzzZzzzz.