Archive for the 'Artworks' Category

Speed Paint 06242012

Speed Paint 06232012

Drawing With Kiyo

It have been almost a month and a half since we drew together on a online drawing program call PaintChat. Since yesterday was his day off we decide to stir up some chaos in Pchat. These are some final products. Let the good times roll.

Random Sketches

So these are just some random stuff I did today sitting in front of my computer… since I haven’t really draw for awhile. A lot of these stuff is pretty rusty. Hecka out of proportion. but I think right now I’ll just let it slide and just work on getting my interest back to plain mark making.

School Ended, So What Now?

Well I finally complete school and have been officially unemployed for like the past few months. To be honest, I like it. Chill everyday and just wasting my time being unproductive. My mind need to be blank and shut off for a bit. I was stressed in my school major. Many may ask ” dude you serious? Stress out in an art major? isn’t that like suppose to be easy or something?” Well technically yes it was easy. But I feel like because it was easy, I have given myself a lot of pressure on doing good or trying to be perfect. So constantly beating myself in my mind trying to stay in the academic criteria, I think I have lost maybe 90% of my inspire enthusiastic self. I am angry at myself for not able to find my old inspiration. I am genuinely scared when this happens because art is my bread and butter. I don’t do this I will starve to death. I really miss who I was, always well inspired and not afraid to try. (those who knows me before will know.) I dunno if it’s me getting older or if I become more worry about how people think about my stuff. Maybe it’s time to slowly let go of my past and embrace the future? Sigh…I don’t know. Ghey….

Well I did got a 20pg sketchbook a few days ago from Daiso Japan. I drew some stuff in it.

For people who don’t know, I went to Kinokuniya Bookstore so I can draw stuff with their test pens on their test paper : D