Title: One More Fish
Link: http://sin014.wordpress.com/
Artist: Ginny Yip / Sin
Description: A great friend I’ve known for a long time ever since high school. She is modest about her artwork but I think they are absolutely beautiful.

Title: Catalepsicfox
Link: http://catalepsicfox.com/
Photographer: James Ngo
Description: My high school friend and I’ve known him for a very very long time. Enjoys taking pictures of food and a tech junkie. I find him for my computer problems.

Title: The Portfolio of Michael Martinez
Link: http://michaelmartinezportfolio.blogspot.com/
Artist: Mike Martinez
Description: My college buddy. He loves the figure of women. He was the only guy in the entire school that can draw women with the right stuff. Did I say he loves women?

Title: PK-Studios
Link: http://pk-studio.com/
Photographer: Perry Kwok
Description: High school buddy. Loves his family. Loves cars. Loves photography. Sooner or later, he is going to turn his entire house into a professional photo studio.

Title: Chrystal Chan
Artist: Chrystal Chan
Met from a friend in high school and then we become good friends. Been a great artist ever since high school. Most of her inspiration is from her dreams. Her name is spell Chrystal with an “H.” Weird ya?

Title: Crazy Go Lucky
Mike De Jesus
A nice friend from middle school. If you like T-shirts and weird stuff, his work is one of a kind. So if you like something unique, this is the site for you. Fun fact: His name does not pronounce Jesus like the Son of God but “Hay Sus.”